A Long-time Love of Garden Landscaping

Our Story

Gardens in Wonderland has operated as a landscaping company for 36 years.

In this time, we have built up a successful company based on reliability and dedication. Even in these rather trying times we are still busy with landscaping projects, both from existing and new clients.

We are highly experienced specialists, using many years of knowledge, in garden design, garden landscaping, building and maintaining beautiful gardens for a wide range of clients in Johannesburg and across South Africa.

Johannesburg has some of the most beautiful gardens in South Africa and we are very proud to have created a number of these beautiful gardens.

Our year round show garden is much admired and has become a landmark property.


Alwyn had been the Chief Horticulturist for a mining group for 17 years where he was landscaping and building gardens, developing parks and beautifying gardens across South Africa.

During this time, he had the good fortune of identifying many sources of rare plants and rocks, many of which are now used to this day.


Robert was project manager for a large hotel group for 10 years leading up to the formation of the partnership.

Garens In Wonderland Team

Collectively our team has about 68 years of experience in gardening. Two have been with us for about 20/22 years and others 15/9 years.
Consequently, they are very good with garden maintenance, having excellent knowledge of landscaping.

Gardens In Wonderland will help you achieve the correct balance between the different elements of your garden design . . . such as Hardscape and Softscape. Hardscaping covers brick or masonry work, and Softscaping covers live plantings and other organic materials used in landscaping. The knowledge of how to balance these different components comes from professional training and years of experience.

Prestige Award Winner

Prestige Award
